After years of neglect, we are back to utilizing the website. We’ve got so much in store for the community, with a dedicated server, new staff, and a brand new adult rated sim! Stay tuned for more to come. ~Seren
Neighberry is one of the many Pony community based in Second Life. It is named after the fictional location of Mayberry as seen in The Andy Griffith Show with a play on words relating to Horses/Ponies as well as offering a the Neighborly community.
Neighberry is a community that welcomes all who follow the neighborly etiquette
Come Visit us in Second Life, we're located in the Neighberry region. We are a moderate sim so please ensure you are suitably dressed before arriving
Join our growing Discord Server to keep up to date with the community when you're not in world!
Join the Neighberry Minecraft Server soon! We will be setting up new game servers for you all!
Join us on our official Neighberry twitter for the latest live updates!
Join the community and see who is playing some games on Steam today!
See the latest pictures from the community! Feel free to join and add your own photos from events and recent goings on!
The Neighberry staff and event managers who work hard to ensure the community is active and always here for the community.
Find out what has been happening in Neighberry
After years of neglect, we are back to utilizing the website. We’ve got so much in store for the community, with a dedicated server, new staff, and a brand new adult rated sim! Stay tuned for more to come. ~Seren
Looking for some virtual pony fun this month? The SecondLife Pony Community has many events and celebrations going on all throughout the month of October. Here is a list of all the amazing Nightmare Night celebrations happening through out the SL Pony Community! Neighberry Nightmare Month: Night of the Freaky Fruit and Candy Hunt-Things have
The fruits and veggies have risen! And they’ve come for Nightmare Dashu’s candy… Come join the community as we battle to return the candy to her candy store, and earn amazing prizes as a reward. You can find the candy through-out the event area as well.